速報APP / 娛樂 / Realistic Hair Clipper Prank

Realistic Hair Clipper Prank





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本



聯絡地址:Promadesign Gustavhertzstraat 15 1341BN Almere Netherlands

Realistic Hair Clipper Prank(圖1)-速報App

Turn your smartphone into a very realistic hair clipper / trimmer / razor!

This is one of the most realistic apps of all apps available, perfect for jokes, pranks and entertainment for children and adults of all ages simulating real life hair trimmer, clipper or shaver.


- High quality sound recorded from a real hair clipper

Realistic Hair Clipper Prank(圖2)-速報App

- No vibration because that distracts from the sound

How to use it:

1) Turn on the hair clipper / trimmer by tapping on it, the sound will start and the hair trimmer power button will show a different blue glowing color. Do not forget to turn on your device volume.

2) Get the device screen close to the person's head you want to shave / trim. The app will create the illusion that you are actually trimming / shaving the person.

3) When you want to stop shaving someone just touch the screen and the hair clipper / trimmer will stop the sound. The power button will stop glowing.

Have a fun time pranking your friend or family. Entertain people with it and have an awesome time.